Ceiling Fans: Summer vs Winter Mode
Summer is rapidly approaching. Here in Arizona that typically means some fairly extreme temperatures which require us to do everything we can to keep cool. So set your ceiling fans for “summer mode” and enjoy the season! Don’t know what “summer mode” is? Well, read on!

Cloud Fan from Modern Fan
In Arizona, most homes have several ceiling fans. Ceiling fans are quite popular to interior decorators as they are both functional and decorative. Particularly in the summer, ceiling fans efficiently achieve their purpose of supplementing the cooling power of your air conditioning. And if you have a “designer home”, ceiling fans are available in a wide range of attractive styles, sizes and finishes. Certainly at Thingz, we specialize in unique contemporary ceiling fans. But regardless of your interior decor style, a properly selected ceiling fan can make an interesting adornment, offering an eye-catching break in an often monotonous expanse of ceiling.
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Since virtually all homes in Arizona have central air conditioning, the ceiling fan is — for much of the year – often relegated to plain decoration or, if it has dual purpose, reduced to a mere lighting fixture. Air conditioning, however, costs more and uses up more energy. With a ceiling fan option, you can manipulate the circulation of the air in the room to increase your comfort.

Ball Ceiling Fan
Are you aware, however, that there are different settings for the ceiling fan depending on the season? If you have a high quality ceiling fan, chances are that yours has a winter and a summer mode. I am always amazed when I see the number of ceiling fans in homes that are rotating in the wrong direction! The rotation of the blade is a key factor in optimizing the use of your ceiling fan. With its blades rotating in the correct direction, your ceiling fan can actually make your room warmer in the winter time. For those who think of fans as cooling devices, this might come as a surprise. Technically, what fans do is to circulate the air in the room. They may lower the temperature a couple of degrees, but this is just due to the breeze that they produce to break up the warm air that had settled in the room.
Understandably, ceiling fans are used most often in the summer time. For people who have resolved to minimize use of their air conditioner, utilizing the ceiling fan makes a lot of sense. It is more energy efficient, but just as effective in improving your body’s temperature. It evaporates moisture from your skin which in turn makes you feel fresher and more comfortable. In warm weather, the proper setting for your ceiling fan’s blade rotation is clockwise. You might get confused though. Looking up at the fan, you will perceive it as moving counter-clockwise. What this does is to suck the warm air up while eliciting a nice cooling draft blowing downwards. If you’re using your ceiling fan in conjunction with your house’s general cooling system, it means not having to having to turn your thermostat down as low as you would normally do. In effect, this also saves you some money.

Eclipse Ceiling Fan
In cold weather, the ceiling fan blades should rotate in the opposite direction. They would be set in counter-clockwise motion, but from the perspective of somebody standing below the fan, the blades would look like they were moving clockwise. Instead of trapping the warm air in the area just below the ceiling, the fan would now push it down and make it circulate in the room. Keep in mind though that the rotation speed of the blades should be set on low. Moving fast, even when rotating counter-clockwise, the blades would still produce a breeze, which would then create a cooling effect. Spinning correctly, the ceiling fan blades should not create any noticeable air movement in the room. Just like in the summer, utilizing ceiling fans help maximize the use of the general air conditioning system. With consistency, this could lower your electricity bill.
The bottom line is this: if your ceiling fan has a dual-direction capability for summer and winter use, make sure that it is set for the proper season. A ceiling fan is great in assisting your HVAC system to cool or heat — just make sure it’s rotating in the right direction. Some ceiling fans even come with switches that automatically change the direction of the fan blades’ rotation. For better energy conservation while heating or cooling your home, use your ceiling fans wisely!
If you are interested in cooling your home in the summer or keeping it warmer in the winter, visit either of our Arizona showrooms in Scottsdale or browse our online selection of contemporary ceiling fans.
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